Thursday, March 15, 2007

Cold Case

My boyfriend suggested that I start a new blog concerning my experiences as a new graduate student. Since it's only March and I don't start school until August, I figure I have plenty more time to rant about television. I'll do better about posting. I will. I will. And yes, it does get discouraging when nobody if to say nobody cares...but I need to talk to somebody about these shows and get some writing practice in too. So what if I'm not talking about wack ass American Idol, 24, or Grey's Anatomy. Just not feeling the hype.

Anyway, so I was watching Cold Case, but before we get to that may I say that most of my favorite shows have fallen off? I'm definitely not trying to get on here and act like I'm all intellectual and deep now, but my fiction books are more interesting than most of these tv shows. You know what I think it is though? That damn DVR. It's ruining my television watching habits. I watch everything in fast forward now. Commercial break my ass. Fast forward. Too much dialogue? Fast forward. Just wanna see who wins? Fast foward.

Also, might I add how quickly we've returned to re-runs? I remember when television shows had a real full season with 20+ episodes. Now these mugs do 8 episodes and release a DVD for you to buy. It's a shame when one of my favorite television shows is a reality series involving two white girls living in Beverly Hills. I mean really. Does that say something about me or about the shows being currently produced by the major networks?

Back to Cold Case. What's funny is as much as I watch that show I don't know any of the characters names. Like, who really cares about their names or their personal lives--do the flashbacks, solve the murder, and send somebody to jail! I don't care about your ex-boyfriend returning while you're trying to solve the case. Tell that dude to holla at you during my commercial breaks so we can catch some folks in a few lies, piece together the murder, and let somebody rest in peace. But if I did care about the main characters, I would suggest that the white lady get her hair styled. I mean really does it always have to look like she does it herself?

In just a few short lines I will wrap up the last three episodes of Cold Case, which is an excellent show might I add. I used to be a big CSI and Without a Trace fan (only for the first season), but CSI started getting too fake for me. I just don't believe that 5 people are smart enough to know all this irrelevant information and magically solve a crime. At least with Cold Case their solving the crime is based on them harrassing somebody until they give them all the information they need. That's more realistic than one person knowing the entire history of Egypt and how it relates to little Sara Jane's dead body on the freeway. Come on man.

Three episodes back and the Cold Case episode opens with a black family at Thanksgiving dinner. I will admit that I enjoy trying to figure out which character will be the one with the white chalk outline, but this particular episode was a little different. I believe the family featured 5 boys and a mother. By the end of the mother's prayer we saw 3 or 4 of her boys bodies sprawled out on the cement...dead. Although the episode would have normally interested me because it featured black characters, I actually found it to be a little dull. Why did the momma have to be a crackhead? Did we even have to involve drugs in this episode? I truly can understand how dealing with your boys deaths might drive you over the top, but really...couldn't they have been more creative? This was one of those episodes that I watched while I walked in and out of the room doing other things (including talking on the phone). I don't really remember who did what or why, but I do remember the crackhead momma standing outside a rehab center at the end. (sucking my teeth)

The next episode is one that I told to my boyfriend as a bedtime story. I've been talking about grad school probably more than his nerves can handle and he begged me to talk about something else. So I discussed how this particular Cold Case episode took place in the 1960s and a girl had become pregnant. Her parents rushed her off to a home for pregnant girls, ensuring that she wouldn't embarrass them. While in the home, the girl discovers a couple of things. One, the dude that she'd been dating for two months was a liar who had no plans on marrying her or saving the future of her reputation. She busted dude out with another girl too forcing a weak confrontation. Discovery two--the people at the home were putting some of the babies the girls bore up for legal adoption (as expected), but a few of the other babies were sold on the black market. Knowing that her baby could possibly be sold disturbed the girl and she begged for more time alone with her newborn (long story short). Another girl who recently gave birth who's child had already been sold off witnesses this allowance and loses it. She chases the girl and her newborn out to the forest, has a mental breakdown and knocks the girl upside the head with a rock. At 50 something years old, homegirl goes to jail after they show her a photo of what the adopted son she could never find looks like. The end.

The most recent episode featured a little white boy who secretly wanted to become a dancer in the 1980s. A black man and girl helped him with his skills. His jealous brother who happens to be a wrestler finds out about his secret interest, tells him to cut it out, and when his brother continues to defy a previous episode, he goes upside his head. After killing him, he dumps his body in a trash heap and keeps it moving making everyone believe that the boy ran away from home. Big brother goes to jail in his late 30s as the father looks on in disappointment. Fin.

I like Cold Case.

1 comment:

khushi said...

I watch everything in fast forward now. Commercial break my I was watching Cold Case, but before we get to that may I say that most of my favorite shows have fallen off? I