Friday, December 8, 2006

They Bet Not!

Before I get started, let me first say I don't want anybody looking that angry while they make my food. I might have to watch them. So, I was a couple of minutes late for work this morning trying to make sure the black dude didn't get sent home on Top Chef. Now, I don't care for his character, but I knew he didn't need to be sent home. I don't care if he did get sand in his food.

This week's challenge began with very general information and directions for the chefs. They were given $30 and taken to the grocery store where they were allowed 30 minutes to purchase breakfast items to prepare for a group of athletes. They didn't know how many atheletes, they didn't know if they would be in a real kitchen, and they didn't know what supplies they would have. Well, as you can see in the picture they were taken to a beach to prepare breakfast for like 40 surfers. All they had for cooking purposes was an open flame.

One thing I like about Top Chef is that they give the chefs some serious challenges. Did I tell you all about the one where they gave them $3 and put them in front of vending machines? They had to purchase items and whip up a gourmet dish with them. Crazy!

Anyway, three chefs were left standing at the end of this episode and I didn't think any of them deserved to go home. But, like the losing chef said, although by far he wasn't the worse cook on the show, he was the worse at this challenge. Unfortunately, he'd decided to make a quiche and when he got to the beach and saw the open flame he knew he was messed up in the game.

The dude on the right was the one that was sent home--and after he hated on another chef the previous week he got what was coming. I'm just saying, don't announce personal feelings about somebody when judging their food. It's my personal belief that the dude on the left has over stayed his welcome. He's been pretty lucky, but his time is wearing out. He throws crap together and he just looks dirty. I wouldn't want him cooking for me.

"Naw, is that who's in the kitchen? I'll pass."

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